La sed, and an article in Literal

Los invito a la presentación de La sed, esté sábado 21 de octubre, a las 12 pm, en la librería LOPA, en Guadalajara, con la participación de Ani Priego y Rogelio Vega. Yo estaré ahí vía Zoom.

This Saturday 21st October we’ll have the book launch of my novel La sed in the LOPA bookshop, in Guadalajara, Mexico. I’ll be there via Zoom.

I’m also sharing with you my latest contribution for Literal Magazine, on the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

También comparto con ustedes mi más reciente colaboración en Literal Magazine, sobre el conflicto en Israel y Gaza.

Resurgimiento de “La sed” / “La sed” is out again

Es un enorme placer informarles que mi primera novela La sed (2001), inicialmente editada con Colibrí, acaba de ser reeditada por Paraíso Perdido. Es la oportunidad de leerla para aquellos lectores que llevaban años buscándola sin poder encontrar ejemplares. ¡Ojalá la gocen!

It’s a great pleasure to let you know that my first novel La sed (The Thirst, 2001), first published by Colibrí in Mexico, has just been reissued by Paraíso Perdido (in Spanish only, I’m afraid). This will give the chance to read it to all those readers who had been looking for it for years, unable to find copies. I hope you enjoy it!

La tía de Seaton, Walter de la Mare

Recién recibo ejemplares de mi traducción de La tía de Seaton, de Walter de la Mare, en una hermosa edición de la colección Relato Licenciado Vidriera de la UNAM. La edición estuvo a cargo de Tedi López Mills.

I’ve just received my copies of my translation of Walter de la Mare’s Seaton’s Aunt. It’s a lovely edition, for the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Relato Licenciado Vidriera collection, edited by Tedi López Mills.

Talk – Mexican rock and resistance

On the 27th of April I’ll talk about Mexican rock and resistance, drawing from my experience as a radio producer and presenter in the 1980s for Radio Universidad de Guadalajara, as a rock journalist for several decades, lyricist for rock band Santa Sabina, and a member of the musicians, artists and students’ collectives that organised mass concerts in the 1990s in support of the indigenous communities that constituted the grassroots of the EZLN (National Zapatista Liberation Army), as well as fighting the misinformation that was then rampant about the war in the state of Chiapas.

The talk is being organised with UNAM-UK, Centre for Mexican Studies, in King’s College, London. Please join us!

Click here for more information:

Recordando a Rita Guerrero /Remembering Rita

Este 11 de marzo recuerdo a Rita, hoy con un video del Ensamble Galileo. / This 11th of March I am, as always, remembering Rita, today with a video of her singing with the Galileo Ensemble.

Te extraño, Rita. Pero estás aquí, siempre, en mi corazón, y en el de tantos, tantas. Gracias, por siempre./ I miss you, Rita. But you’re always here, in my heart, and in the hearts of so many. Thank you, forever.

Rita Guerrero con el Ensamble Galileo