Protection for Journalist Héctor de Mauleón/ Protección para el periodista Héctor de Mauleón

Mexican Journalist Héctor de Mauleón has been receiving continuous threats after his coverage in El Universal about drug and arms trafficking. I know Héctor, I’ve worked with him in the past and he’s an honest, courageous author and journalist. Please spread the word and, if you’re in the UK, contact the Mexican Embassy demanding the investigation and sanctions to those responsible of the threats, guarantee for the security of de Mauleón and all Mexican journalists so that they can do their work without fear and the stop to all harassment to journalists and Mexican citizens, to guarantee freedom of expression. Put pressure on the UK’s government as well so that it demands respect to human rights in Mexico.

El periodista mexicano Héctor de Mauleón ha estado recibiendo amenazas continuas por su cobertura para El Universal sobre tráfico de drogas y armas. Conozco a Héctor, he trabajado con él y es un autor y periodista honesto y valiente. Por favor corre la voz y escribe a las autoridades en México para que investiguen y sancionen a los autores de las amenazas; garanticen la seguridad de Héctor de Mauleón y de los periodistas mexicanos para que ejerzan su labor sin censura ni miedo; detengan el acoso a los periodistas mexicanos por su labor informativa y de investigación, y brinden la protección necesaria a los comunicadores y ciudadanos mexicanos, garantizando así el derecho a la libertad de expresión.

The Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust are lying: they have splattered Blake’s Cottage with mud. Update

The Blake Cottage Trust is at last creating its website to give information to the public about what they are doing with Blake’s Cottage, 10 months after its acquisition. The Blake Society is also updating its webpage. They seem to be responding to the issues they have been found at fault with since I’ve started making this sad issue public.

They are doing so not by engaging in honest and open communication with those of us who have concerns, despite our endless attempts at being heard and meeting up with them in order to talk face to face and sort out our conflicts – like honest people, who have nothing to hide, do -, but through more lies.

For two years now I have being doing everything in my power to have them put right what is wrong – deceit of the public, stealing of people’s work, harm to concrete human beings, corruption – with all the patience and good will a person can have, and more. Over and over again, they have refused to listen, despite the years I served the Blake Society, then the Cottage appeal with a degree of care, integrity and commitment that every single one of the Trustees has thanked and recognised. These two Charities have been steadily bullying and treating like enemies those of us who founded and worked for the Cottage appeal along with the Chair: the Big Blake Project in Felpham, and myself, and refusing to even acknowledge our concerns that are, ultimately, our concerns for the public.

I am creating a new webpage myself, it will start to be ready in a couple of weeks, and there you will be able to read what really happened with Blake’s Cottage, as well as have access to evidence.

Meanwhile, I will comment on the false information given in these people’s websites in the past couple of days.

Blake Cottage Trust:

  1. Blake’s Cottage was not purchased after a successful campaign. By February 2015 the campaign – riddled with secrecy, deceit of the public and corruption – had already failed. Yet the Blake Society’s Chair, Tim Heath, went on to recklessly secure on his own a large amount of money from an undisclosed donor, hiding from his fellow campaigners and Trustees. He acquired the Cottage with his own private Trust (for no Charity behaves like the BCT does, being accountable to no one), that of 3 individuals chaired by himself that he also set up in secret. He then bullied out the Big Blake Project who worked and raised funds on behalf of the Blake Society, and both organisations have been trying to deny ever since that the Cottage appeal was a Blake Society project. They have also denied the original vision for the Cottage – the one people gave their money for.
  2. When they say that the Memorandum and Articles of the Blake Cottage Trust “were incorporated on October 2014”, what they actually mean is that precisely when the Blake Society’s Chair’s probity was being severely questioned, after both the Society and the Campaign had nearly been dissolved because of his unscrupulous behaviour, he took the first step to set up the Blake Cottage Trust, of which he’d name himself Chair as well, entirely on his own, with only his lawyers standing in for him. He didn’t inform of this his fellow campaigners: me, leading the campaign with him in the Blake Society, and the Big Blake Project, leading it locally in West Sussex, or the Blake Society Committee. We only found out when we started doing our research after the Cottage was suddenly purchased last year. The concerns regarding his probity at the time he did this were not honouring the campaign’s working agreements,  because of which we were late for our crucial deadlines; severe bullying; abuse of power and corruption, as will be explained further in my new website.
  3. The Blake Cottage Trust’s two other Trustees, Prof. Phillips and Mr Johns, were never involved in the campaign, never worked for it or had any knowledge of the initial project (the Chair had made sure his fellow-campaigners did not meet up with Prof Phillips, and imposed Mr Johns without consulting us). Since the Cottage was purchased they have insisted that it is OK for the BCT to have only three Trustees, therefore disowning what we promised to the public that we would create: a large consortium of accountable organisations and individuals to run the Cottage, and have been behaving as if this were their own private business, being accountable to no one. Blake’s Cottage, for which they didn’t do any work at all, suddenly fell on their lap like a gift from heaven, and they have made sure to grasp it, without showing any care for the legitimate concerns many of us have about the lack of scruples of their Chair and the campaign’s history, and without showing the minimum respect to the hard-working people who made their “success” possible. Only now that we’ve started to make this public do they deign to talk about “inaugural” Trustees, suggesting they may include new ones later on. It is too late for that. There must indeed be new Trustees, but those that have been unscrupulous must leave. Both the Big Blake Project and myself have informed Prof Phillips and Mr Johns of our concerns from the moment the Cottage was acquired. We have given them all the information they needed so that they realised they were colluding, probably inadvertently, with unethical behaviour. I have repeatedly asked to meet up with them, show them my evidence, explain what I’m talking about. They have not acknowledged my willingness to meet up, to listen and be listened to; they have ignored legitimate concerns from co-founders of the appeal, which is an unjustifiable behaviour in people who are in a position to serve the public, and not to collude in the stealing of people’s work and, by ignoring such concerns, colluding in the bullying as well, and deceiving the public further, which is what they have been doing. The BCT recently used publicly the name of another organisation without their approval in a pretence at transparency. Any Trust to manage Blake’s Cottage must be run by people who behave with honesty, transparency and accountability. No one in the Blake Cottage Trust has proved to be able to do that so far.

The Blake Society website

After I published my comments on the January 2016 AGM’s minutes in my post “The minute particulars” in this blog, the Blake Society has recently updated their webpage with a list of its members that “were elected to serve as Trustees until the following AGM to be held in 2017”. This is a lie.

  1. They are not mentioning Rod Tweedy, who had stepped down as Secretary but was still nominated as Trustee, then resigned shortly afterwards because of his disapproval regarding the handling of the Cottage appeal and the Committee’s lack of ethics.
  2. Mr Nick Duncan was not elected at the AGM. He had been a Trustee before and has recently been co-opted, so just for accuracy’s sake, he was not nominated at the AGM.
  3. But, most important of all, at the AGM, no Committee was elected at all. Please make sure you understand this well. There is no elected Committee for the Blake Society. When in his minutes, that have little regard to truth, the New Secretary, Mr Antony Vinall, mentions that they noted my objection to Paige Morgan’s reelection as a Trustee, he’s not saying what actually happened: that they submitted the new Committee for the AGM’s vote, I casted a vote against Ms Morgan’s reelection and my vote was ignored, and that after that I was not allowed even to speak. Mr Vinall claimed that since there were enough places in the Committee for all the members nominated my vote was invalid, which is not true. The new Committee is submitted to the approval of the Society at the AGM because that is the only chance for its members to guarantee that the Committee is formed by honest and accountable people. But I was not allowed to vote, which is a violation of the Blake Society’s constitution, and in their haste to end the AGM there was no voting at all. No voting at all. So in fact, at the moment, there is no Blake Society Committee. 
  4. My concerns about Ms Morgan arise from her unethical behaviour when she was forced into the Cottage appeal by the Chair despite never having shown the slightest interest in the project. The Chair did this by sheer abuse of power, the same reason why she has been the editor of a Journalthat has not existed for seven years – namely, since she became editor. I have evidence of all the contradictory explanations to both BS members and Committee regarding this situation. Despite all this, Ms Morgan was repeatedly given the benefit of the doubt and the chance to work openly and honestly with others. She ignored that. She never did the work for the Cottage appeal that she was supposed to do (plenty of evidence about that as well), yet between her and the Chair they hijacked the campaign for several weeks at one of its most crucial moments, were the only two people in charge of communication with the public and in charge of the Just Giving and Indiegogo accounts, which may be the case even nowI was then the subject of severe bullying and though the Chair and myself were leading the campaign in the BS, all relevant information was withdrawn from me, with no explanation at all. We were late for our crucial deadlines because of this. I raised the alarm with the Committee. All of them condemned what was going on. I resigned and said I was going to speak out. They asked me to stay and save the reputation of both the Blake Society and the Cottage Campaign. Ms Morgan had disappeared all this time, the Chair acted as her spokesperson and said that anyway she was not in the campaign anymore as she didn’t have time for it. Yet on the very same day that the Chair and I signed a fragile agreement to go on working together, and still without deigning to give a single word of explanation about her behaviour to the Committee, Ms Morgan published in the Blake Society webpage an article with no regard to truth in which she made herself appear as leader of the Cottage appeal. It was a few days after this that the Chair set up the Blake Cottage Trust on his own, hiding from us all. All this, because of lack of ethics of both and abuse of power on the part of the Chair,acknowledged by every single BS Trustee (with exception of those who joined after I left and didn’t know what had happened). One of the Trustees in fact confirmed this to me a few weeks ago, yet still blames me for speaking out.

I am speaking out because Blake’s Cottage cannot be in the hands of people who behave with such appalling lack of ethics. This is not what people gave their money and support for, some of them doing so in the memory of their loved departed ones who loved Blake. The Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust cannot go on abusing people’s trust, generosity and good will in Blake’s name.

We started the campaign to acquire William Blake’s Cottage in Felpham with an ideal: to contribute our grain of sand to a better world. We wanted to create a haven for artists, thinkers, creators, so that from the Cottage’s doors beauty, truth and human solidarity would go out into the world.
Instead of that, we ended up with deceit, harming of people, theft of people’s work, contempt for Blake and for everyone who supported the campaign, a cover up and fraud. This, because of an abysmal lack of scruples, some broken souls, personal interests, petty ambitions, cowardice – what are we to expect from people like these in times of war?


Blake’s Cottage is in a serious state of disrepair, after 9 months of having been acquired by the Blake Cottage Trust, an illegitimate organism of only three men set up secretly. The large consortium of accountable individuals and organisations that we promised the public that we would create was meant to join skills, efforts and fund-raising potential so that this did not happen. That consortium was also to implement the clearly defined project for the Cottage that the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust have now disowned. The Cottage must be managed by responsible people who honour the original project that people gave their money and support for; by people who care, and who are publicly accountable

A Vision for Blake’s Cottage – ADE

[Document sent to the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust in November 2015. Not a single one of the concerns raised here has been addressed by either Charity so far]

Albion asleep

Should anyone reading this – donors, Blake Society members, authorities, press – want to read the minutes written throughout the campaign, bear in mind that the new Secretary, Antony Vinall, has been taking the BS minutes for several years, has manipulated them in agreement with the Chair before and refused to record crucial information. He distorted truth as well in the minutes of the January 2016 Blake Society’s AGM and has no scruples about lying. If you want to double-check, I have evidence of this and the original emails through which original minutes were sent to the Committee. I also hold screenshots about evidence that these organisms are now trying to remove from their webpage. I hold in fact 12 folders of evidence about the saddest episode yet of betrayal to Blake after his death.


The Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust are lying: they have splattered Blake’s Cottage with mud

We started the campaign to acquire William Blake’s Cottage in Felpham with an ideal: to contribute our grain of sand to a better world. We wanted to create a haven for artists, thinkers, creators, so that from the Cottage’s doors beauty, truth and human solidarity would go out into the world.

Instead of that, we ended up with deceit, harming of people, theft of people’s work, contempt for Blake and for everyone who supported the campaign, a cover up and fraud. This, because of an abysmal lack of scruples, some broken souls, personal interests, petty ambitions, cowardice – what are we to expect from people like these in times of war?

There is no evil that cannot be done by a lying person, who has transgressed one precept, and who holds in contempt the world beyond.


cottageBlake’s Cottage is in a serious state of disrepair, after 9 months of having been acquired by the Blake Cottage Trust, an illegitimate organism of only three men set up secretly. The large consortium of accountable individuals and organisations that we promised the public that we would create was meant to join skills, efforts and fund-raising potential so that this did not happen. That consortium was also to implement the clearly defined project for the Cottage that the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust have now disowned. The Cottage must be managed by responsible people who honour the original project that people gave their money and support for; by people who care, and who are publicly accountable.

A Vision for Blake’s Cottage – ADE

[Document sent to the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust in November 2015. Not a single one of the concerns raised here has been addressed by either Charity so far]

How many Scofields for Blake’s memory?

It’s hard to know where to start in order to explain what has been wrong with Blake’s Cottage appeal and the developments since it was purchased. It makes for some 12 different folders now in the hands of the Charity Commission, and involves a policy of secrecy and division, lying, deceit of the public, bullying, thoroughly dishonest and unethical behaviour, the stealing of people’s work and harm to concrete persons, the elbowing out and exclusion of those who founded and ran the campaign along with the Blake Society’s Chairman, Tim Heath, collusion, the washing their hands off their responsibility and a cover-up from the Blake Society and, ultimately, what I strongly believe amounts to fraud.

William Blake deserves much better than this.

In the printed Blake Society Programme for 2016-2017 recently sent around to the Society’s members a tour around the Cottage is announced for next 11 June, and in a further pretence at openness and transparency, it is also announced that afterwards the new Blake Cottage Trust will host a discussion along with a prominent local organisation in Felpham about the future of the Cottage. They did so without the approval of the mentioned organisation, and knowing fully well that their representatives could not possibly attend the discussion on that day.

As members of the Blake Society will have noticed, they have now had to amend their invitation to that event in their June newsletter.

The Blake Society has also recently included in its newsletter the minutes of their latest AGM, that have little regard to truth (please see my former post below, “The Minute Particulars”).

All this has to change. I believe it can change if the following points are taken seriously:

  1. The organisation in charge of managing Blake’s Cottage must be run only by people with an impeccable record of honesty and accountability.
  2. The Cottage must be managed by a large consortium of respected individuals and institutions with the expertise, capability and accountability necessary to run such a project. That is what we promised the public that we would create, and not a Trust of only three individuals imposed by Mr Heath and also chaired by him. We stated that we would create such a consortium in our applications for public funds, in our statements to the Blake Society members, to the public and to the press, and it was to such a consortium that the Howell family wanted to sell the Cottage.
  3. Such a consortium must have regulations in place to guarantee its accountability, stop any one individual from appropriating the project or behaving unscrupulously, and it must make publicly available the records of their decision-making, since the Cottage was purchased through the donations of hundreds of generous people.
  4. The consortium must be conformed of people willing to know the full story of the Cottage appeal and the problems it has faced, to look at the available evidence and to ask Mr Heath, the Blake Society and the present Blake Cottage Trust for an explanation of their actions.
  5. The Blake Society must acknowledge publicly and unequivocally that this was from the beginning a Blake Society project, and not a campaign “set up and run independently yet with the help and blessing of the Society”, as they are claiming now. It was a campaign ran by the Blake Society, in collaboration with the Big Blake Project, and the Blake Society must acknowledge that it clearly asked people to make donations to it for the acquisition of the Cottage. It also must acknowledge that it committed itself to create a new consortium with the characteristics mentioned above,and not to hand over the project to Mr Heath then wash its hands off it.
  6. The new consortium must acknowledge too that this was a Blake Society project, not Mr Heath’s, and that this entails a public responsibility that they are willing to honour.
  7. The new consortium must respect the original project for the campaign, stop saying that there was “no vision” at all behind it, and honour the project that people gave money and support to. (Please refer to the document included as well in the “Minute Particulars” post in this blog. The document is called “A Vision for Blake’s Cottage” and it was sent in November to both the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust in order to remind them of the original project and of their responsibilities. They never deigned to address any of the points I make there.)
  8. The Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust must acknowledge publicly, clearly and unequivocally the contribution of the Big Blake Project and myself to the campaign and publicly apologise for, and explain, our exclusion of the project, Mr Heath’s severe bullying and the attempts of both Trusts at a cover up, while they commit themselves publicly to real transparency in the future. Both Charities must stop lying, now.
  9. Mr Heath must give a full explanation of his actions, from the very beginning of the appeal and up to now, including the way in which he set up the Blake Cottage Trust in secrecy, concealing what he was doing from both those running the campaign with him and the Blake Society Committee itself. Not even the deliberately vague minutes existing (the new Secretary, Mr Vinall, has been taking the minutes for years, and there is evidence of his manipulating of minutes, refusal to record crucial information, and actually blatant lying) can conceal the fact that the statements made by Mr Heath and the dates of his actions simply don’t add up. Mr Heath must be held responsible by both Charities for the consequences of his actions.
  10. Both Trusts must acknowledge that they have refused to accept my repeated offers and those of the Big Blake Project to attend a meeting with them in order to address these problems, and that they have refused to look at my evidence, which is now in the hands of the appropriate organisms. They must explain why they have actively refused to engage in any sort of communication with those of us who also made the Cottage appeal possible and why they have chosen to disregard every single one of our clearly and repeatedly voiced concerns.
  11. The Blake Cottage Trust must make available to the public the records of their decision-making, from the moment the Trust was set up and up to now.
  12. The Blake Cottage Trust must make available to the public the information of what exactly they have been doing since the moment the Cottage was acquired.
  13. Then a joint solution must be found, in agreement with the appropriate authorities, so that the Cottage is legally protected from further wrongdoing and becomes at last what we promised the public we would make of it: a centre for creation and for the dissenting imagination that belongs to all.

Albion asleep


Update 10 June:

What is happening around Blake’s Cottage now is a lamentable reenactment of the trials that William Blake went through in Felpham more than two hundred years ago.

An example of this is what has happened to the only source of public information we have about the Cottage since it was purchased in September 2015.

Up to at least 5 June, less than a week ago, if you looked up in Google “” or clicked on, what you came across was an update from September 2015 announcing the purchase of the Cottage. Below that you could see the webpage we had created for the Cottage appeal, with its history and an outline of the project to which people gave their money. In fact much of that page had been done by myself, including the update for November 2015, the last moment of hope I had, within days of encountering again the bullying and the secrecy that made me leave the Blake Society and the campaign.

It was sad to look at that page, just as abandoned as the Cottage itself seems to be now.

But it was an important source of information, for it outlined the original project and it included the Just Giving button through which many people made donations to the appeal, still in use up to a few days ago. It clearly asked people to give money to the Blake Society.

Since I started making public this sad affair a few weeks ago I have been asking for the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust to honour the truth: that this was a Blake Society project and that there was a clearly defined vision behind it. Instead of doing that, I realised yesterday, 9 June, on looking up that page again, that it has changed in the past couple of days. Now it talks only about the “success” of the campaign and links to an article about it in The Guardian – the press, that was as misled as all the rest of us.

The Just Giving button – eloquent evidence that the Blake Society was asking for money for a Blake Society project, and that people sent money to it for the appeal – has disappeared too. But truth cannot be deleted so easily. I share with you a 5 June 2016 screenshot of the Cottage appeal’s Just Giving page that could be accessed through the now disfigured Cottage page:

Just Giving 05062016

Do I  need to say more?

Not much, apart from the fact that I will certainly not attend that mockery of an opening of the Cottage’s doors tomorrow.

On September last year, when I found out that while the Cottage was purchased the Blake Cottage Trust had elbowed out the Big Blake Project, and that the Blake Society Committee had been left completely in the dark about what the Chair had been doing with the appeal, I urged both Charities to get together with the Big Blake Project, sort out whatever differences there might be and organise for Blake’s birthday in November a celebration hosted by all of them, showing a united, inclusive, harmonic front to a united, inclusive and harmonic project for which we worked so hard. I expected too to be part of such a celebration, given my pivotal role in the campaign.

That is what the Blake Society members, donors for the campaign and the public deserved. That is what William Blake deserved: a happy, open, dignified celebration, rather than a surreptitious event organised around deceit and secrecy.

Please read my former posts in this blog so that you get a clearer idea of what is happening here: ‘How many Scofields for Blake’s Memory?’ and ‘The minute particulars’.

I ask the Blake Society and the Blake Cottage Trust, again, for transparency and for accountability. I ask for them to honour the original project for Blake’s Cottage, the frame for a large consortium that we promised we’d create, and the Blake Society’s responsibility for the project. I ask for them to stop acting through dishonesty and fear and honour truth instead, and for the most elementary human decency.

Albion can still awake.

Albion asleep

Should anyone reading this – donors, Blake Society members, authorities, press – want to read the minutes written throughout the campaign, bear in mind that the new Secretary, Antony Vinall, has been taking the BS minutes for several years, has manipulated them in agreement with the Chair before and refused to record crucial information. He distorted truth as well in the minutes of the January 2016 Blake Society’s AGM and has no scruples about lying. If you want to double-check, I have evidence of this and the original emails through which original minutes were sent to the Committee. I also hold screenshots about evidence that these organisms are now trying to remove from their webpage. I hold in fact 12 folders of evidence about the saddest episode yet of betrayal to Blake after his death.